1. What does 'duo et tria' mean?
Duo et tria is latin for 'two and three'. I wanted the name of my blog to represent my primary reason for starting it - namely, to share the things I make step-by-step with others from the community.

2. Why did you start blogging?
I was very imaginative as a kid (I tried to build a crossbow out of my Lego and some elastic bands) and even now, I love spending an afternoon at my desk working on a project. Blogging is just a way to share what I make!

3. Where do you get your inspiration from?
I like to read other DIY blogs and see what I can learn from them. Most of the time, I get my inspiration from things I know I need but don't have - like a new pencil skirt, or a wall hanging for my bedroom, etc. I love the challenge of coming up with a way to make something instead of buying - it's certainly a lot more entertaining than watching tv.

4. What are some of your other interests?
I loved meteorology as a kid. After a while, it became astrophysics and cosmology. I also enjoy reading about ancient history, physics, chemistry and geology (I even have my own rock collection. Rocks are cool, man). Right now, I have quite varied interests: writing, guitar, photography, learning German, Skyrim...

I'm very open to collaborations! If you'd like to collaborate on a post, shoot me an email and we'll take it from there!